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[ Supported Software | Settings Quick Reference | E-Mail Software Quick Reference Guides ]

Windows users do not need any special scripts or software to use either our dialup or broadband access services, you can use your "out of the box" systems to connect.

While we only provide technical support on the Windows platform, we may be able to point you toward software for other operating systems, and will be more than happy to provide you with the configuration information you require to configure whatever software you use to connect to IUL regardless of your chosen computer platform. 

Windows users should note that all versions of Windows prior to Windows 10 have been retired by Microsoft.  As such, updates, software downloads and patches may no longer be available to assist users in resolving their problems.  We will do our best to assist you, but there may be circumstances where the age of your operating system will affect your support experience.

Quick reference guides to setting up several common e-mail programs are available below.

Supported Core Software

The following Windows software is considered current by Internet Unlimited:

  • Microsoft Windows XP SP3 or higher
  • Microsoft Windows Vista
  • Microsoft Windows 7
  • Microsoft Windows 8 (and 8.1)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and above - WWW Browser
  • Microsoft Outlook Express 6.x, Windows Mail, Microsoft Outlook - E-Mail

The following software is no longer current.  We may be able to help you configure this software, but we strongly recommend that you upgrade to the current software referenced above as support resources for these products are limited.

  • Microsoft Windows 3.x, 95, 98, 98 2nd Edition, ME, 2000 and Windows XP prior to SP3
  • Versions of Internet Explorer and Outlook Express prior to version 6.0
  • Microsoft Internet Mail - E-Mail Program
  • Microsoft Internet News - Usenet News Reader Program
  • MIRC - IRC Chat Client
  • Microsoft NetMeeting - Voice Chat/Conferencing Client
  • Microsoft Comic Chat - "Comic Based" Chat
  • Microsoft ActiveMovie - Video and Audio Player
  • Microsoft HTML Layout Control - An addon to Internet Explorer allowing the browser to display advanced formatting provided by some websites.
  • WS_FTP - Standalone FTP Client

We may be able to provide configuration assistance on the following common Internet software, although it is not provided by or supported by IUL's technical support staff.

  • Netscape Navigator, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Opera - WWW Browser/Usenet News/E-Mail

Software Settings Quick Reference

Below are the software settings required for connection with IUL, please note that your software may not require all settings indicated below (you may wish to print a copy and retain for your reference in case you have software problems).  We recommend that you print a copy of these settings and keep it handy in case you ever need to reconfigure your Internet software.

(403) 879-1189 Primary Dialup Phone Number
Please click-here for our access number locator for other cities across Canada Your E-Mail Address Your IMAP Username/Account Your Login Username
Domain Name (DNS) Servers for ADSL and Dialup clients (it is preferable to select "server assigned" instead of entering these values manually).  Hosting clients please contact IUL support for your correct DNS server values. Mail (IMAP & SMTP) Servers
587 SMTP Port Number
You should specify that your outgoing email server requires authentication, using the same settings as incoming.
Your IP Address is "Dynamically" or "Server assigned" unless you have purchased a broadband service plan which includes a true-static IP address.
Your username, password and all system names should always be entered in lower case


E-Mail Software Setup Quick Reference Guides

Below are quick guides to checking your e-mail settings in several popular e-mail programs:


© Copyright 1996-2018 Internet Unlimited Ltd. - All Rights Reserved
Last Modified:  January 05, 2018